
I am a student of economic and political systems with a deep interest in using new and novel data to study economic and political systems. I will finish my Ph.D. in political science at UC Berkeley in June 2013, and am seeking employment in data science and analytics in the Bay Area.


In my research, I’ve worked on a range of projects at the intersection of computational social science, economics, and politics. In 2012, I issued real-time election predictions based on Twitter data. To study European climate and energy policy, I built tools to track legislative influence on climate and energy legislation through text mining and topic modeling. I’m currently engaged in an ongoing project to clean and disambiguate huge patent databases using semi-supervised machine learning. Through these projects I’ve built a broad set of skills in R, python, pandas, and data visualization.

I’ve also written extensively on the economic and political implications of “green growth”–the idea that climate change investments will save our environment and make us richer at the same time.

For a complete resume, see here.